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发布日期:2019-06-14    点击次数:
序号 论文名称 出版期刊信息 检索名称 作者 期刊级别(ZJU100/TOP/权威/一级/会议论文/其他)
1 Evaporative   coolers of water and air for cooling systems. Analysis and perspectives 11th IIR Gustav   Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants CPCI-S/EI Chen, GM;   Doroshenko, AV; Shestopalov, KO; Khliyeva, OY 国际会议论文
2 Experimental   investigation on pool boiling of R600a/mineral oil solution 11th   IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants CPCI-S/EI Chen, GM;   Zhelezny, VP; Shestopalov, KO; Nikulin, A; Semenyuk, YV 国际会议论文
3 An   experimental investigation and modelling of flow boiling heat transfer of   isobutane-compressor oil solution in a horizontal smooth tube International   Journal of Refrigeration SCI/EI Chen,   G.m. (1); Zhelezny, V.p. (2); Melnyk, A.v. (2); Shestopalov, K.o. (1, 2)
4 Polymeric   Materials for Solar Energy Utilization Polymer   - Plastics Technology and Engineering SCI/EI Chen,   Guangming (1); Shestopalov, Kostyantyn (1); Doroshenko, Alexander (2);   Koltun, Paul (3)
5 Comparative   field experimental investigations of different flat plate solar collectors SOLAR   ENERGY SCI Chen,   GM; Doroshenko, A; Koltun, P; Shestopalov, K
7 Research   on cylindrical indexing cam's unilateral machining ADVANCES   IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCI Chen,   JH; Mu, XW; Zhang, XZ; Jiang, CH
8 Cushioning   properties of two-layered cushioning structure stacked by honeycomb and   calcium plastic board subjected to quasi-static compressive loadings Gongneng   Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials EI Gao,   De (1); Fan, Lingqiang (2); Feng, Jun (2); Lu, Fude (2); Wang, Jianping (1)
9 Study   on constitutive model of single-wall Calcium plastic composite corrugated   cardboard under flat compression loadings Zhendong   Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering EI Gao,   De (1); Feng, Jun (2); Lu, Fude (2); Wang, Jianping (1) 一级
10 Study   on the influence of the rotational speed of polishing disk on material   removal in aspheric surface compliant polishing ADVANCES   IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCI Hu,   LY; Zhan, JM; Zheng, D
11 Study   on the orthomogonalization for hybridmotion/force control and its application   in aspheric surface polishing INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SCI Hu,   LY; Zhan, JM
12 富氧燃烧烟气中汞的氧化机理研究进展 热力发电 胡长兴,李威,虞效益,郑皎,高夫燕,徐美娟,李建新 一级
13 Screw-type   actuator driven by piezoelectric transducers ADVANCES   IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCI Hua,   SM; Meng, YM; Lou, YH; Li, ZQ; Wang, XJ
14 A   piezoelectric inchworm actuator with bidirectional thrust force Sensors   and Transducers EI Hua,   Shunming (1); Liu, Guosong (2); Wang, Xiaojun (1); Wang, Yiqiang (1); Li,   Jialin (1)
15 螺旋驱动杆式行波型超声电机 中国机械工程 华顺明,孟玉明,李志强,楼应候,李加林 一级
16 Influence   and application of laser parameters on unit of H13 steel by laser remelting   process International   Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI/EI Jia,   Zhixin (1); Li, Jiqiang (1); Liu, Lijun (1); Liu, Yaowei (1); Wang, Yiqiang   (1); Li, Honglin (2)
17 Crack   growth behavior at thermal fatigue of H13 tool steel processed by laser   surface melting International   Journal of Fatigue SCI/EI Jia,   Zhixin (1); Liu, Yaowei (1); Li, Jiqiang (1); Liu, Lijun (1); Li, Honglin (2)
18 Latest   progressin development of vacuum boiler technology Zhenkong   Kexue yu Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology EI Ding,   Yaqi (1); Li, Jianxin (2); Jiang, Lin (3); Zhang, Xiuzhen (2); Wang,   Yongchuan (2); Wu, Yongping (2); Hu, Changxing (2) 一级
19 Splash control   of laser mould strengthen based on coaxial visual supplemented by acoustical   signal Hanjie   Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution EI Liu, Lijun (1);   Liu, Xueyang (1); Lan, Hu (3); Zhang, Weijie (1); Jia, Zhixin (1); Li,   Jiqiang (1)
20 Regulating   Characteristics of New Tamping Device Exciter Controlled by Rotary Valve IEEE/ASME   Transactions on Mechatronics Yi   Liu , Guofang Gong, Huayong Yang, Dong Han, and He Wang ZJU100/TOP
21 Compression   Response of Composite Cushioning Materials in Series by Virtual Parameter   Methods PACKAGING   TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE SCI Lu,   FD; Liu, XJ; Gao, D
22 Finite   element analysis for anti-impact behavior of biogradable plant fibre bowls   with foam cushioning packaging(植物纤维餐具碗在运输包装环境抗冲击行为有限元分析) Zhendong   yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock EI Lu,   Fude (1); Gao, De (1)
23 波浪能转换装置中双浮子特性的数值研究 水力发电学报 宋瑞银,蔡炳清,郑堤,周敏珑,李越,陈俊华 一级
24 相对运动式波浪能捕获装置实验研究 太阳能学报 宋瑞银,张向阳,蔡炳清,周敏珑,李越 一级
25 Using   laser surface treatment to produce a slideway on a computer numerical control   (CNC) machine tool with biomimetic characteristics Lasers   in Engineering SCI/EI Wang,   Y.q. (1); Yuan, X.h. (1); Pan, X.h. (2); Gu, Y. (1)
26 Software   reliability allocation model of CNC system based on software architecture Computer   Modelling and New Technologies EI Gu,   Yan (1); Wang, Yiqiang (2); Yuan, Xiuhua (2); Zhou, Xiaoqin (1); Zhang,   Bangcheng (3)
27 Experimental   study on thermal conductivity of sludge in drying process Taiyangneng   Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica EI Wang,   Yongchuan (1); Zheng, Jiao (1); Fang, Jingyu (1); Hu, Changxing (1); Wu,   Yongping (1); Li, Jianxin (1) 一级
28 Serrated   chip formation and their adiabatic analysis by using the constitutive model   of titanium alloy in high speed cutting Journal   of Alloys and Compounds SCI wuhongbing,sandy   to TOP
29 Simulative   and experimental investigation on ultra-precision cutting of titanium alloy Hongwai   yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering EI 吴红兵,王朋
30 Effects   of cutting conditions on the milling process of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SCI wuhongbing,sandy   to
31 Migration   Mechanism of Macromolecules under Shear Flow in Micro Channels and Effects of   Macromolecular Concentration ACTA   POLYMERICA SINICA SCI Xu,   SF; Wang, JG
32 低温保护剂渗透关节软骨研究进展 中国生物医学工程学报 虞效益,张绍志,范菊丽,胡长兴 一级
33 骨软骨栓液相线跟踪法处理方案研究 中国生物医学工程学报 虞效益,张绍志,陈光明 一级
34 考虑易损件物品-EPE缓冲系统冲击响应分析   Impact response analysis of the system composed of critical component and EpE   cushion Journal   of Vibration and Shock(China)振动与冲击 EI Zhang   Wei, Xue Fei, Lu Fude, Gao De
35 Study on the extraction of planar and   spherical feature based on differential information of point cloud Journal   of Information & Computational Science EI Xuechang   Zhang, Yanmei Tang, ReiMin Yang, Xu Zhang,