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发布日期:2019-06-14    点击次数:
序号 论文名称 出版期刊信息 检索名称 作者 期刊级别(ZJU100/TOP/权威/一级/会议论文/其他)
1 转阀控制式脉冲波生成方法 机械工程学报 EI 刘毅,王登,郑堤 一级
2 宁波市地表水重金属污染现状和健康风险评价 环境科学 徐美娟,鲍波,陈春燕,王永川,高夫燕,虞效益 一级
3 蜈蚣草超临界气化重金属迁移与产气特性 工程热物理学报 李建新,王永川,陈金波,吴贤豪,陈姗,陈光明 一级
4 Hydrolytic   and thermal degradation of polyethylene glycol compatibilized poly(lactic   acid)-nanocrystalline cellulose bionanocomposites Journal   of applied polymer science SCI 张萍2,何依谣,高德,蔡盈峰,刘兵仁 TOP
5 Supercritical   water treatment of heavy metal and arsenic metalloid-bioaccumulating-biomass Ecotoxicology   and Environmental Safety SCI 李建新,陈金波,陈姗 国外(境外)一般期刊
6 A   Unified Level Set Framework Combining Hybrid Algorithms for Liver and Liver   Tumor Segmentation in CT Images BioMed   Research International SCI 郑洲,张学昌,徐华飞,梁旺,郑四鸣,施岳定 国外(境外)一般期刊
7 Intermittent   wave energy generation system with hydraulic energy storage and pressure   control for stable power output Journal   of marine science and technology EI 宋瑞银,Yong   Ming Dai,钱孝华 TOP
8 Effect   of solvent quality on Poiseuille flow of polymer solutions in microchannels:   A dissipative particle dynamics study Journal   of applied polymer science 许少锋,楼应侯,何平,王向垟,汪久根 TOP
9 Inherent   relations between yield stress and stability of bubble petroleum coke water   slurry Petroleum   Science SCI 高夫燕,Eric   J. Hu 其他
10 Effects   of five ashes on the stability of petroleum coke water slurry Petroleum   Science and Technology SCI 高夫燕 国外(境外)一般期刊
11 A   corresponding state equation for the prediction of isobaric heat capacity of   liquid HFC and HFO refrigerants Fluid   Phase Equilibria EI 高能,陈光明,唐黎民 TOP
12 Heat   flux induced coherent vibration of H-shaped single layer graphene structure Nanoscale SCI1区 李威,J.   Chen,H. Zhao,G. Li 国外(境外)一般期刊
13 Influence   of path on the ultra-precision polishing process of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V The   International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI2区 吴红兵,zhang   xu 国外(境外)一般期刊
14 Effect   of tool angle on cutting force and residual stress in the oblique cutting of   TC21 alloy The   International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology SCI2区 Zhang   xu,吴红兵 国外(境外)一般期刊
15 TIG   填丝 + 激光熔凝模具修复工艺分析 焊接学报 EI 刘立君,齐   萌,于义涛,金海平,王义强 核心
16 Experimental   isobaric heat capacity of liquid HFC-32+HFO-1234ze(E) mixture and extension   of a predictive corresponding state equation to HFC mixtures International   Journal of Refrigeration SCI 高能,陈光明,王永川 国外(境外)一般期刊
17 Vapor   Pressure Measurement for the Ternary System of Water, Lithium Bromide, and   1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Acetate Journal   of Chemical and Engineering Data SCI 张翔宇,高能,吴勇平,陈光明 TOP
18 液相线跟踪法用低温保存液的若干理化性质 低温工程 虞效益,李威,高夫燕,陈光明 一级
19 低温保护剂载入关节软骨过程的传质建模 中国生物医学工程学报 虞效益,张绍志,陈光明,李威 一级
20 核磁共振碳谱法同时测定多种低温保护剂的浓度 低温工程 虞效益,徐美娟,陈光明,李威 一级